The YOUNG ENTREPRENEURS CLUB is a project designed to empower young individuals with an interest in business and entrepreneurship. It is built on four main pillars that define the essence of the club:

  • ACADEMY: This pillar focuses on providing students with a platform to learn about business through a series of educational videos. The emphasis is on practical knowledge that may not be typically covered in traditional school settings, offering insights into real-world business scenarios and strategies.
  • COMMUNITY: The club fosters a sense of community among its members, encouraging the exchange of ideas and information. It provides a space for students to connect with others who share similar talents and interests, creating opportunities for collaboration and mutual support.
  • DATABASES: The project offers access to various databases containing valuable resources such as innovation techniques, lists of useful programs, and AI tools. These databases serve as repositories of knowledge to support and enhance the entrepreneurial journey of the club members.
  • MENTORING: One-on-one mentoring is a key feature of the club, providing personalized guidance and support to students as they work on their projects. This aspect ensures that members have access to experienced mentors who can offer insights, advice, and assistance tailored to their specific needs.

The YOUNG ENTREPRENEURS CLUB aims to equip young individuals with the practical skills, knowledge, and support network necessary to thrive in the world of business and entrepreneurship.

We empower the next generation of entrepreneurs and future business leaders!

Helvetic Guards

In 2023, I started helping the local American Football team in Wil, the HELVETIC GUARDS, with their home games. I am part of the organization team for the home games and help out with all the preparations needed for a home game. Those things include helping with the entrance, putting up and taking down direction signs, and a couple of other things.

BArfuss Brauerei

As part of my gap year, I managed to get a job at a local brewery in Switzerland, where I am learning the craft of brewing beer from the ground up. I help out with brewing, bottling, shipping, and much more. Furthermore, the owner is training me to one day completely take over the brewery in case anything happens one day.


The HEADBANGERS NIGHT BONN was a festival that I organized in 2019, which was inspired by the same concepts the WACKEN:MUSIC:CAMP was operating on. I wanted to allow young musicians to gain live performance experiences and feel empowered, just like I was after leaving the WACKEN:MUSIC:CAMP in 2017. Not only did I wish to allow others to experience this adrenaline kick, but I too wished to play another live performance with my friends in the INTERNS of HELL.
The festival even appeared in the local newspaper, local television news, and the official WACKEN Instagram page.

See the video HERE


In 2018, I worked together with the Jugendpresse NRW at Gamescom 2018, reporting on several events and new game releases during the Gamescom event. I was part of the Live-Stream crew and operated the stream itself. My duty was to make sure that all the clips and video reports would be available when the stream started and play them during the stream. It was also my job to make sure the sound and video were flawless, as well as changing camera perspectives during the live stream.

PechaKucha Nights Bonn 2014 -2018

In 2014, my parents took on the role of organizer for the PechaKucha Nights in Bonn. PechaKucha Nights are informal and fun events where creative people meet and present their ideas, work, thoughts – just about anything – in PechaKucha 20×20 format. Each presenter has precisely 20 PowerPoint slides of 20 seconds each.

From 2014 to 2018, my parents organized the PechaKucha Nights in Bonn. As a highlight, we traveled to Tokyo in March 2016 for the PechaKucha Pow-Wow, the meeting of PechaKucha organizers from all over the world (the PechaKucha format was invented there by Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham). We presented our city in the original location at PechaKucha Night Tokyo #134.

During this time, I took over the following tasks at the PechaKucha Nights Bonn:
– Setup and dismantling of technical equipment (beamer+computer), roll-ups, and info counter
– Ticket sales and admission control


When I was four years old, I started helping my parents with their WOMEN&WORK fair, a female recruiting fair in which women had the chance to inform themselves about possible career options ahead of them. My duties included taking photos, helping visitors around the location, manning the front desk, and building & taking down the fair stands. Through these fairs, I was introduced to the entire fair business and learned what has to go into planning such a fair to succeed. However, since COVID hit, the business of my parents was unable to continue the way it had been, so they completely rebranded their company to be completely online. I still help them whenever possible, as those are always good learning experiences for me.